Mitch Ward

    Mitch is a skilled Land Referencer who joined Thomson Broadbent in 2021. With a diverse professional background as a retired police officer and member of the Royal Navy highlighted by 5 years service on Her Majesty's Yacht Britannia, Mitch brings valuable qualities such as discipline, integrity, and a strong work ethic to his current role.

    As a meticulous and detail-oriented Property Inspector, Mitch excels in assessing properties, ensuring compliance with regulations, and providing accurate valuations and detailed reports. His keen attention to detail and astute observation skills contribute to his consistent delivery of high-quality work.

    Outside of work, Mitch finds joy in various hobbies and activities. He is passionate about golf, spending leisurely hours refining his swing and immersing himself in the serene beauty of the golf course. Mitch also has a unique interest in rearing ducks, finding fulfilment in caring for these feathered companions. Additionally, his light-hearted nature shines through as he shares jokes and spreads laughter among colleagues and friends, creating a vibrant and enjoyable atmosphere.

    Notably, Mitch brings a touch of harmony to the office environment through his melodic talents. Known for his singing prowess, he fills the workspace with delightful tunes, be it catchy melodies or soulful ballads, enhancing the positive and enjoyable work environment for everyone around him.
